
We are facing an unprecedented time
where we are not able to do what we love…
serve up the very best hospitality!

Since we launched with our first pub, McGinty's, we have been a family unit and now we are proud to have 9 venues in the city centre and importantly 250 employees that work so hard for us on a daily basis.

Whilst this closure was not part of our 2020 plans (nor anyone else’s), we want to use this time to firstly, spread positivity and secondly, to develop further exciting ideas to ensure The McGinty’s Group fights back to be just as mighty, if not mightier!

Over the next wee while, we will be sharing uplifting content with staff & supplier involvement across our social media channels whilst developing plans for the re-opening on the venues.

If you wish to keep up to date with our news, please click this link to sign up to our new McGinty’s Group newsletter.

We love our city and we ask you to not only support us but also the many amazing local businesses in our area! This is a time to work together like never before…

Group Newsletter Sign Up

Super Pig
The McGinty's Group CP&Co